Thursday, October 2, 2008

honey vanilla chamomile tea.

Autumn is here at last. I can feel it in the crisp chill in the air, and smell it in the breeze. The trees are beginning their annual spectacle of vivid shades of gold, vermilion, and orange. I feel it as I have a wear a hoodie or jacket when I take Cael on our morning walk. I sense the change, and it makes me smile and sigh with contentment. Autumn has always been my favorite season, and I look forward to enjoying another glorious Western Carolina autumn with Jeremy, and now Cael as well.
For those of you who have not been able meet the newest addition to our little family, I hope this video clip will help you realize what you're missing. Jeremy and I would love for you to visit.


  1. Oh yay!! That is so adorable. By the way, your voice sounds just BEAUTIFUL recorded! I'm so jealous! I think I sound like a hyper 12-year-old on video. I submit: "oh, oh, he's mangled..." and "Arka, you're so stoooopid!" and other such quotables. See you tomorrow! Or rather today!

  2. Amethyst, dear, I love your "oh, oh, he's mangled" voice. It brings great joy (and laughter) to my life. Though my favorite might be, "Come ravage him, kill him!" :)
