Monday, June 21, 2010


I thought I would post my entrance essay from my application to the University of Edinburgh for the Master's programme in Highland Studies. I'm rather fond of it. Oh, and the Celtic Festival this past weekend was brilliant, albeit quite hot. But great company all round, fiery fiddlers, and bullfrog bagpipers.

Why Highland Studies?
I was sixteen when I first set foot in the British Isles—in Ireland to be specific. Consequentially, Ireland is and will always be my first love. It was among the colored doors and cobbled streets of Dublin that my love began to grow, and in the rolling, sheep-dotted countryside of that emerald isle that it was solidified. Spending time with the people soon thereafter intensified even more so my belonging to the land, with my sarcasm and dry wit so readily accepted and returned. Soon after realizing that the majority of my family’s heritage came from all corners of both isles, the best-received compliment anyone could pay me, with my dark curls and blue eyes, was, “you look Irish.” Having been keenly interested in all things Irish for quite sometime, I met my now husband my first year in college. Said husband is decidedly Scottish in his own heritage, right down to his flaming red beard and strongly stout Scottish build; not to mention a certain penchant for Glenfiddich, that, and a stubbornness rarely seen this side of a mule. Slowly I began to realize that while Ireland’s hold upon my heart was steadfast, that did not mean there was not room for another passion to stake its own claim there—another passion that seemed so similar to the first that they might just simply stop being first and second and become just one large Celtic entity entwining my heart within its intricate knot work. I now realize that my love and passion for Ireland can be just as easily translated into love and passion for Scotland as well. I can just as effortlessly imagine myself getting lost amidst the culture, music, language, and heritage of Scotland as I have Ireland, in fact all those things seem to become more parallel the further back into history one travels. That being said, the nuances in these cultures also interest me, and I intend on not only studying Highland history and culture, but also later on going to study the Irish equivalent as well. But for now, it is the Scottish call that is stronger, buttressed with the heartrending cries of the pipes, those that stir my very core to its cause. Because, while my soul might be emerald green, my heart is tartan-clad.
But what is it about the Celtic people that draws me so? As I sat, hands poised over the keyboard, thinking about the best and most truthful way to answer this question, I realized that the same thing that kept me from completely putting into words the way I feel about the history of the isles is the answer to the question. It’s the mystery. It’s the stone circles scattered across the land, and the way that I cannot quite disbelieve the mysterious and magical things said to happen there. It’s the way I could never explain to my friends when I came home just how much I was changed by setting foot in Ireland. It’s the way my chest tightens when I see photographs of the land. I want that feeling and change and mystery to be so much more than part of who I am, I want it to be what I do.
A formal education, I feel, would extend my passion into something tangible, something concrete, something more than just an interest or hobby. As a writer, and one highly influenced by Celtic culture, a deep knowledge of the subject would be invaluable. As an eventual mother, I would be able to instill in my children the love and appreciation of their heritage even more so. And as a teacher, either formally or informally, my knowledge would help those searching and yearning, as I am now, finally find something to which to holdfast.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

tuesday night.

Great company, great food and plenty of great wine all lead to a wonderful evening last night. Thank you Jacob, Peter, and of course, Jeremy. Thank you.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I've finished the dress that I'll be wearing to the Celtic Festival. I'm rather proud of it. :)
The dress by itself.

The dress with the belt I'll wear with it.

Yes. It has pockets!

This is me being happy in my newly-made dress. Hooray!

Friday, June 11, 2010

less than three months.

That's until Jeremy and I away over the sea to begin our Scottish adventure. It still seems so far away because we haven't really started packing things up. We've begun a little, and have plans, but I feel that it's too far away to just get rid of everything but close enough to stress me out that we haven't done much yet. So pray that everything just comes together when it should.
In other news, I began swimming again. Hurrah! I've gone three times in the last week or so, and so far--after thorough rinsing afterward--no bad allergy reactions! I'd forgotten how much I love being in the pool, just swimming away the my stress. I've already noticed my stamina building back up, though my entire work out now, was only my warm-up back in the day when I swam everyday. But oh well, at least I'm getting back into it, right?
I'm also a tea junkie again, it's funny how I am in the summer, and for some reason it fades off in the winter. You'd think it'd be the other way round wouldn't you? Irish Breakfast is my current delight, and I would post a photo of me enjoying my cuppa this morning, but I swam this morning and am not a beautiful sight at the moment. But you can imagine the photo, close-angled, part of my face hidden by my big blue mug with a teabag string hanging off the side, and I'm looking over my glasses at you.
Sewing has been on the agenda a lot lately as well. I've finally begun on my winter coat for this year, and after about ten hours of cutting it out (argh!) I've finally started sewing it together. It's actually turning out quite well, and I'm well pleased with it thus far. Thanks to Trish Bober for ever-patient tips and question-answering, and Chelsea Bober for moral support and general sitting-around-looking-pretty. I'm also working on a dress to wear to the WNC Highland Celtic Festival Jeremy and I are going to next weekend at Pisgah Brewery. I'm quite excited about it. I'm take photos and be sure to update afterward.
It's also apparent that I am experimenting with blog backgrounds and setups again. Blogger got a new design program and I'm having fun making things look pretty. :) So bear with me. Rar!
The World Cup begins today, and Jeremy's like a little boy in all his excitement, he's even losing sleep over being so excited about it. Cute. I joined a fantasy league for Jeremy's sake, and have to admit that I had a bit too much fun picking players, putting together a team, and filling out a bracket. I've decided that the final will be between England and Spain, and Spain will take it. Even though I'd rather see England win, so I'd be okay with being wrong about that.

'til again,


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

lindsey & casey

I had the pleasure of photographing a wedding this past Friday. A small, intimate ceremony, but their love was enormous and their hearts for each other and for God are beating strongly and passionately in sync. Thanks for letting me be part of your day. Here's a sneak peek.