Friday, June 11, 2010

less than three months.

That's until Jeremy and I away over the sea to begin our Scottish adventure. It still seems so far away because we haven't really started packing things up. We've begun a little, and have plans, but I feel that it's too far away to just get rid of everything but close enough to stress me out that we haven't done much yet. So pray that everything just comes together when it should.
In other news, I began swimming again. Hurrah! I've gone three times in the last week or so, and so far--after thorough rinsing afterward--no bad allergy reactions! I'd forgotten how much I love being in the pool, just swimming away the my stress. I've already noticed my stamina building back up, though my entire work out now, was only my warm-up back in the day when I swam everyday. But oh well, at least I'm getting back into it, right?
I'm also a tea junkie again, it's funny how I am in the summer, and for some reason it fades off in the winter. You'd think it'd be the other way round wouldn't you? Irish Breakfast is my current delight, and I would post a photo of me enjoying my cuppa this morning, but I swam this morning and am not a beautiful sight at the moment. But you can imagine the photo, close-angled, part of my face hidden by my big blue mug with a teabag string hanging off the side, and I'm looking over my glasses at you.
Sewing has been on the agenda a lot lately as well. I've finally begun on my winter coat for this year, and after about ten hours of cutting it out (argh!) I've finally started sewing it together. It's actually turning out quite well, and I'm well pleased with it thus far. Thanks to Trish Bober for ever-patient tips and question-answering, and Chelsea Bober for moral support and general sitting-around-looking-pretty. I'm also working on a dress to wear to the WNC Highland Celtic Festival Jeremy and I are going to next weekend at Pisgah Brewery. I'm quite excited about it. I'm take photos and be sure to update afterward.
It's also apparent that I am experimenting with blog backgrounds and setups again. Blogger got a new design program and I'm having fun making things look pretty. :) So bear with me. Rar!
The World Cup begins today, and Jeremy's like a little boy in all his excitement, he's even losing sleep over being so excited about it. Cute. I joined a fantasy league for Jeremy's sake, and have to admit that I had a bit too much fun picking players, putting together a team, and filling out a bracket. I've decided that the final will be between England and Spain, and Spain will take it. Even though I'd rather see England win, so I'd be okay with being wrong about that.

'til again,


1 comment:

  1. I like all the experimenting. :) And I'm so ridiculously impressed by your sewing projects. I could never do that stuff (patience and talent elude me), but it's so cool that you can make purses and skirts and dresses...and a coat! I wanna see this thing.
