
I'm writing because I need this outlet, I need a place to collect my thoughts and see them written out so I can understand better what's going on in my own mind. Sometimes I sit down to write about one thing, and something else completely different comes out that I had so idea existed in my brain--and it's good to know what I'm actually thinking. Let's see where this goes, shall we?

                                                                                    Winter of 2014
Recently given the beautiful gift of motherhood, I am on this incredible journey with my husband, Jeremy, of parenting our nearly nine-month-old daughter, Josephine MacLaren --Josie, and all the joys, tears, and triumphs that it entails. I am getting back to writing again and looking forward to the feeling of tapping fingers on my keyboard and discovering new thoughts and ideas through this medium. Our song has shifted with the winds of change over the last three years, but the melody remains the same.

                                                                                    Autumn of 2010
Recently absconded to Scotland with my husband, Jeremy, I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Highland Studies at the University of Edinburgh, focusing on the rich oral tradition of Gaelic songs, and tales, and learning Scottish Gaelic myself. I don't know what will come when this degree is accomplished, so don't ask, but I know it'll be another adventure. I love my husband, miss my pup left back in the States, and relish this opportunity--I know I'm blessed. I'm learning the fiddle, reading tales, listening to music, and trying to soak up all the culture I can while I'm here.

 Riaghladh goirid air an òr, ach riaghladh fada air an òran. 
Shared gold goes not far, but a shared song lasts a long time.
-Gaelic proverb

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