Thursday, January 24, 2013

birthdays - both present and future.

Entering my thirtieth week with the knowledge that in ten short weeks I could be holding my little girl in my arms has been pretty surreal—kinda like this entire process actually. I still can’t properly picture it, but as the time draws nearer my joy and excitement grows larger and more profound. God has blessed Jeremy and I beyond words with the existence of this wee bairn, and I pray that I am ready—and if not ready, then prepared to be the best that I can be—to be her mother. Jeremy and I have begun getting up just a little earlier in the mornings. We roll out of bed, brew a pot of coffee and settle side by side on the couch as the morning light filters in through our living room window. Jeremy then reads the Bible out loud, usually a chapter from Psalms, and a Proverb for the day of the month we’re on (since there are 31 chapters), and then a passage from the New Testament as well. We began in Ephesians, and are into Philippians now. We’ve also begun praying together each morning, and I cannot express how beginning my day that way has improved my attitude and my overall demeanor for the impending day. Sharing this time together has enabled Jeremy and I to grow in ways that we had not before, even in five years of marriage, and help prepare us to be the mother and father for our little huckleberry that we were created to be. We pray for her every morning, and we pray that we are up to the task of raising her up in the way she should go. I am overjoyed about this new chapter in our lives, and am so excited to see what else is in store for us as we go forward and take on these new roles.

Also, today is the birthday of my first ‘baby’, our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cael, turns five today. We got him when he was three months old, and since then he has been a constant source of love and joy in our lives—the kind that only a loyal and loving dog can bear. So happy birthday, Cael!
Both of my wee ones. :)

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