Friday, January 22, 2010

Tha mi airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh.

I'm not really sure what I intended on saying when I sat down, and decided to write a post tonight. And quite honestly, still have no idea what this post will be about. I've been thinking a lot lately about Scotland, partly due to the series of books I am reading of late, Diana Gabaldon's Outlander and the subsequent novels following.
After months of trying to plan a near future where Jeremy goes to graduate school and I work to support us and not getting very far at all in said plans, Jeremy and I have decided that we will try to go to school at the same time, instead of taking turns. We've decided on the University of Edinburgh, which is a different school, but the same city as we were planning before when Jeremy was to be the one attending school. Theology in History shall be Jeremy's course of study, and mine shall be Highland Studies--which is essentially the Scottish version of the Irish Studies degree I was planning on getting in Ireland after Jeremy was finished, complete with learning Scottish Gaelic rather than Irish. Now don't get me wrong, my loyalties and passion have not simply shifted with the wind on the heather, and I plan on still getting a degree in Irish Studies as well perhaps, but I've realized that if I'm Irish, I am very much Scottish as well. To say it more simply, I am Celtic, and I intend on learning exactly what that means. For, as I said in my application essay: While my soul might be emerald green, my heart is tartan-clad.
I am excited about what the future holds in Scotland and in Ireland later on, but I also realize that I must focus on today as well, not just look to far horizons, for how am I to reach said horizon if I cannot see where I am walking just now? As Jeremy and I finish up our applications, and continue preparations for moving, I pray that we do not lose sight of what we are to do here,
in the meantime, before we go gallivanting in the outer rims, before we fulfill our role as Voyagers.

This is a photo I found of Edinburgh. Up on the far hill you can see Edinburgh Castle, the university is below it.


  1. One of my professors just visited Scotland to check out some amazing art ed schools. I'm wishing you luck, and thinking about you, dear one!

  2. So, if you are both in school, how will you make a living? Just wondering, as your mom...
    Sounds exciting, though- adventures in Christian living!
