Monday, April 25, 2011

i heart faces. [pets]

I had to enter this week's i heart faces photo challenge. Not because I have the perfect photo, but because I have the perfect pet, whom I miss dearly. This is Cael, for those of you who do not know him. He's about two thousand miles away from me right now, staying with my brother while my husband and I are in Edinburgh while I get my Master's degree. He's also recovering from a back injury, and it has been hell having to worry about him and know that there is nothing I can do from this far away for his fear and pain.
I have literally thousands of photos of Cael, but this one struck me as I was perusing them. Waiting to go outside, his favorite place, he is giving me his usual brown-eyed plead to just open the door. I called his name as he was looking outside, and he immediately flipped his head up to where I was, his ears flopping behind him, and I loved the way the sunlight illuminated his face. Cael is the best pup anyone could ask for, so this one is for him. Love you, little guy, and miss you. See you soon.


  1. Sweet sentiments and really sweet picture. Our beloved pooches take hold of our hearts don't they?

  2. He is adorable! Sounds like he is in good hands with your brother. :)
